Goko tc-20 manual
If it's a Goko, you're in luck. In this video, learn the basic functions of a Goko TC-20 Super 8mm sound film transfer machine. This is a Goko TC-20 Telecine to video converter. Loading is a dream and easily mastered, I do not have instructions but to be honest you wont need them Goko, in addition to the Telecine Player TC-20R and Video Slide Converter SV-30 Controls include a manual/autofocus switch, a pushbutton for instantNeed: Goko TC-20 manual. (too old to reply). namron. 18 years ago. Permalink. Anyone have a scanned manual for the Super 8 version of this transfer machine? REPLACEMENT BULB FOR GOKO MOVIE EDITOR A203, RM8008, TC20, TC201 10W 6V. Fixed Price. $ 24.09. +$0.00 shipping. Goko Telecine TC-20 Super 8 Projector Belts, 3
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